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Meet Susan Meyer, Government Information Specialist

May 23, 2024

Susan researches, analyzes, and evaluates data for Freedom of Information Act requests in Alaska.

A selfie of a woman with wet brown hair standing on a balcony. She's wearing a black v-neck shirt. There are other homes and a boat in the background. Susan Meyer is the Alaska Regional Freedom of Information Act Coordinator and Records Manager. Credit: Susan Meyer

What is your key responsibility? 

I am the Alaska Regional Freedom of Information Act Coordinator and Records Manager. 

Where did you grow up? Is there anything about your childhood or where you grew up that influenced your career path?

During my childhood, my father served in the Air Force. I grew up mainly in Alaska but before making Alaska our home, we were stationed in Hawaii and Colorado.

What is your educational background?

I have a Bachelor of Liberal Arts Interdisciplinary Studies with emphases in psychology and sociology.

What does working at NOAA Fisheries mean to you?

Working for NOAA Fisheries means to me that I'm a part of a group that protects the environment from the oceans of the deep to the atmosphere.

What do you like most about your job/career?

What I like most about my job is working with different offices across NOAA Fisheries. I work with colleagues who hold titles anywhere from Administrative Assistant, to lawyer, to Branch Chief, to Systems Administrator, to Regional Administrator.

What advice would you have for someone interested in a career at NOAA Fisheries?

I would suggest anyone interested in a career like mine to have strong organizational and communication skills as well as be knowledgeable of federal regulations, rules, and policies.

What do you like to do outside of work?

My passion is reading because I love to learn. I also enjoy biking, fishing, gardening, painting, crocheting, all sorts of crafting, and traveling. I especially enjoy spending time with my family.

Is there a book, quote, or person that influenced you to be the person that you are today? 

The quote I live by was written by Mahatma Ghandi: "Be the change you wish to see in the world." I do not fit into one specific group or category. I am not one to sit back and watch others make changes. I'm the one to enforce change. If I want to see change, I lead by example.

What does Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month mean to you?

It means I belong to one of the two groups recognized in May. It is an honor to be a representative of my heritage not only as a Pacific Islander but also as an Alaska Native and Filipino.

Last updated by Office of Communications on May 29, 2024