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246 items match your filter criteria.

5-Year Review Finds Yelloweye Rockfish and Bocaccio Need Continued Protection, Outlines Recovery Actions

No change warranted in Endangered Species Act status of two rockfish species in Puget Sound/Georgia Basin.
June 07, 2024 - Feature Story ,
Juvenile Yelloweye Rockfish swimming under water Juvenile Yelloweye Rockfish. Credit: Dave Whitmer

McKenzie River Restoration Benefiting Threatened Upper Willamette River Chinook

Salmon have successfully reproduced at the Finn Rock restoration site in Oregon’s McKenzie River watershed. Another project aims to bring salmon back to lower Quartz Creek.
June 03, 2024 - Feature Story ,
Chinook salmon returning to spawn at Finn Rock Reach.  (Photo: Tim Giraudier/Beautiful Oregon) Chinook salmon returning to spawn at Finn Rock Reach. (Photo: Tim Giraudier/Beautiful Oregon)

Recommended 2024 Species Recovery Grants Projects

NOAA Fisheries has recommended roughly $5.5 million in funding for six new projects and 16 ongoing projects.
An adult orca is swimming underwater, and a calf is next to its dorsal fin. The calf is surfacing from the water. Southern Resident killer whale swimming with calf. Credit: NOAA Fisheries

NOAA Partners to Remove Kellogg Dam, Providing Passage for Threatened Chinook, Coho, and Steelhead

This project will benefit migratory fish, increase the safety and resiliency of transportation infrastructure, and create educational and recreational opportunities for the community in Milwaukie, Oregon.
April 23, 2024 - Feature Story ,
Kellogg Creek Dam (Photo: Jodie Robinson/NOAA) Kellogg Creek Dam (Photo: Jodie Robinson/NOAA)

2020 and 2021 Combined Report of Marine Mammal Strandings in the United States

This report details marine mammal stranding rates, trends, and activities in the United States for both 2020 and 2021. In 2020, there were 5,400 confirmed marine mammal strandings; in 2021, there were 5,524.
Two stranding responders carry a stranded harbor porpoise away from some rocks A harbor porpoise is retrieved from the rocks at Odiorne Point State Park, New Hampshire. Credit: Seacoast Science Center

Closure of 2019–2023 Eastern North Pacific Gray Whale Unusual Mortality Event

The Unusual Mortality Event involving stranded eastern North Pacific gray whales has ended.
March 14, 2024 - Feature Story ,
People on a beach performing a necropsy on a stranded gray whale

Seal and Sea Lion Week

Join us for a week-long celebration of seals and other pinnipeds and get the scoop on NOAA's seal conservation efforts.
An animation showing several species of seals in their native habitats with the words "Seal & Sea Lion Week" across the top. Seal & Sea Lion Week is March 11-15, 2024.

Gray Whale Stranded on La Jolla Shores Beach

The whale was in poor body condition but showed no signs of human impact.
February 27, 2024 - Feature Story ,
A gray whale lies on a beach parallel to the shore. There are tire tracks near its head. It has barnacles on its skin and its baleen is visible. Stranded gray whale on a beach in La Jolla. Photo Credit: Lonnie Stephens, San Diego Fire-Rescue