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57 items match your filter criteria.

NOAA Fisheries Wins 2023 Presidential Migratory Bird Federal Stewardship Award

The Council for the Conservation of Migratory Birds has recognized an important NOAA Fisheries partnership to conserve seabirds.
June 13, 2024 - Feature Story ,
A large gray bird flies over the ocean. Black-footed albatross. Credit: Robert Pitman

Advancing Transparency in Fisheries Monitoring and Enforcement

Trends in compliance over 21 years provide insight to help build greater collaboration in support of sustainable fisheries.
November 01, 2023 - Feature Story ,
Image of a man in a sweater and a man in uniform shaking hands on a dock surrounded by boats A NOAA Enforcement officer meets with a fisherman. Credit: NOAA Fisheries

From Collapse to Sustainability: West Coast Groundfish Are Back

Learn about the decades-long effort to get West Coast groundfish back on our plates.
October 12, 2023 - Podcast ,
Petrale sole placed on a wooden counter next to a kitchen knife and fruit and floral garnish A Petrale sole flatfish. Photo courtesy of Positively Groundfish.

Response to Recent Reports of Killer Whale Incidental Catches in Alaska

NOAA Fisheries is analyzing data collected from killer whale incidental catches in Bering Sea and Aleutian Islands groundfish trawl fisheries and in its annual longline survey for sablefish and groundfish this year.
September 21, 2023 - Agency Statement ,

Meet Joe Arceneaux, Fisheries Observer Trainer

One of NOAA Fisheries’ first observers in the Pacific Islands region, Joe has spent decades training observers to collect data on our fisheries. 
July 21, 2023 - Feature Story ,
Selfie photo of Joe Arceneaux wearing a hat. Credit: Joe Arceneaux

Women's History Month: Talking with Gabrielle Clardy

To celebrate Women’s History Month, we asked a few of our women scientists to talk about their science journey, what they love most about their job or career, what advice they have for the next generation of women scientists, and more. Let's meet Gabrielle Clardy.
March 29, 2023 - Feature Story ,
Gabi Clardy wears a mask, snorkel, and black dive skin while swimming at the surface of a shallow water area. There is sand beneath her and the water is crystal blue. She is looking at the camera and her right hand is giving the “peace” sign while holding a small red underwater camera.

"Taking a Big Picture of a Big Industry": Observing Fisheries in Alaska

There are many paths that can bring a person to the deck of a fishing vessel in the frigid waters of the Bering Sea. For fisheries observer Sarah Williamson, that path included a lifelong love of the ocean and a nudge from a social media post.
March 06, 2023 - Feature Story ,
A woman in bright orange and yellow gear measures a large fish on the deck of a fishing vessel. Williamson served as a setline survey specialist for the International Pacific Halibut Commission in 2021. Photo courtesy of Sarah Williamson.

Empowering a Fleet Through Electronic Technologies

How electronic monitoring is changing the Gulf of Alaska pollock fishery.
January 11, 2023 - Feature Story ,
Harbor with trawl vessels and snowcapped mountains Trawl EM vessels at their home port in Sand Point, AK.

"There is No Typical": Life as a West Coast Groundfish Observer

“Salty, watery, muddy, bloody, little space, on a constantly moving deck” may not be the words most people would apply to a job they actually enjoy doing. But for fisheries observer Woody Venard, it’s an accurate description.
December 07, 2022 - Feature Story ,
A fishery observer wearing orange gear holds up a large black fish on a ship deck. Woody Venard holds a skilfish on the deck of a fishing vessel. (Photo courtesy of Woody Venard)