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226 items match your filter criteria.

Gray Seal Found Shot in Delaware

NOAA’s Office of Law Enforcement offering a reward of up to $4,000 for information.
May 09, 2024 - Feature Story ,
An injured gray seal lying on the beach. Gray seal. Credit: MERR Institute

Monk Seal Pup Debuts in Waikīkī on Lei Day

Endangered Hawaiian monk seal RK96 (Kaiwi) gave birth to her sixth pup on popular Kaimana Beach in Waikīkī, Oʻahu! The birth was reported on May 1, 2024.
May 02, 2024 - Feature Story ,
A rainbow-shaped wave of water ebbs away into an arc around a  Hawaiian monk seal mom laying on a sandy beach as her newborn pup  lays next to her resting its head on its mom. Hawaiian monk seal RK96 (Kaiwi) and her newborn pup at Kaimana Beach, Waikīkī. Credit: NOAA Fisheries (Permit #24359)

Science In Extremes: A New Field Camp In Antarctica

Field teams have been living at rustic field camps studying changes in the Antarctic ecosystem for more than 30 years. Now, the field camps are getting an upgrade that will make it easier to conduct critical research.
April 12, 2024 - Podcast ,
Cape Shirreff field camp against a backdrop of mountains in Antarctica. Credit: NOAA Fisheries Cape Shirreff field camp on Livingston Island, one of the most breathtaking places in Antarctica. Credit: NOAA Fisheries

2020 and 2021 Combined Report of Marine Mammal Strandings in the United States

This report details marine mammal stranding rates, trends, and activities in the United States for both 2020 and 2021. In 2020, there were 5,400 confirmed marine mammal strandings; in 2021, there were 5,524.
Two stranding responders carry a stranded harbor porpoise away from some rocks A harbor porpoise is retrieved from the rocks at Odiorne Point State Park, New Hampshire. Credit: Seacoast Science Center

Recent Prescott Grants Supporting Seal and Sea Lion Conservation Partners

Our marine mammal network partners leverage the Prescott Grant Program's competitive grants to improve their stranding response and investigation capabilities for pinniped conservation.
March 21, 2024 - Feature Story ,
Spotted, gray harp seal on sandy shore moving towards the ocean water. "Seuss," a juvenile harp seal, was released on Blue Shutters Beach, Rhode Island, following successful rehabilitation at Mystic Aquarium. Credit: Mystic Aquarium

Hawaiian Monk Seal Pupping Season

The Hawaiian monk seal pupping season has started! NOAA Fisheries experts in the Pacific Islands work with partners to protect the pups during this critical time.
March 14, 2024 - Podcast ,
A Hawaiian monk seal pup lays in the sand A young, female Hawaiian monk seal pup, identified as "PM6," lying in the sand at Kalaupapa, Molokai in 2017. This is the fourth pup of mom "RI25." Credit: NOAA/Tracy Mercer (Permit #16632-02).

Life on an Active Volcano: Fur Seals Adapt to a Changing Landscape on Bogoslof Island - Part 2

Volcanic eruptions at Bogoslof have changed the landscape dramatically. It’s home to a thriving breeding ground of northern fur seals. Scientists monitor the fur seal population every 4 years to understand how they respond to such a dynamic environment.
March 13, 2024 - Feature Story ,
Aerial view of Bogoslof Island in June 2022 showing the impact of the volcanic eruption from 2019 Aerial survey imagery from June 2022 along with a white outline showing the former size in 2019. Erosion has changed the island dramatically since it tripled in size after the eruptions in 2016-2017. Credit: NOAA Fisheries/Alexey Altukhov and Burlyn Birkemeier.

California Current Ecosystem Shows Resilience To Strong El Niño

The 2023–2024 California Current Ecosystem Status Report shows an abundance of forage fish and a productive system fueled by upwelling.
March 11, 2024 - Feature Story ,
NOAA diver conducting an underwater survey NOAA divers conducting annual 2023 underwater kelp forest surveys in Olympic Coast National Marine Sanctuary. Credit: Steve Lonhart, NOAA.