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Yelloweye Rockfish Conservation Areas

Links to data on Yelloweye Rockfish Conservation Areas

Text descriptions can be viewed in the electronic Code of Federal Regulations (eCFR) or the Fishery Management Plan (FMP). Federal Register (FR) document citations for designations are displayed at the end of each eCFR section. Spatial data for Yelloweye Rockfish Conservation Areas (YRCA) can be downloaded as shapefiles. Static maps can be viewed and/or printed from the PDF links below.


Regulatory citation

Map and downloadable data

North coast recreational YRCA

eCFR §660.70(b)

Link to resource landing page

North coast commercial YRCA

eCFR §660.70(c)

Link to resource landing page

Salmon Troll YRCA

eCFR §660.70(d)

Link to resource landing page

South coast recreational YRCA

eCFR §660.70(e)

Link to resource landing page

Westport Offshore Recreational YRCA

eCFR §660.70(f)

Link to resource landing page

Tillamook YRCA

eCFR §660.70(g)

Link to resource landing page

Newport YRCA

eCFR §660.70(h)

Link to resource landing page

Stonewall Bank YRCA

eCFR §660.70(i)

Link to resource landing page

Stonewall Bank YRCA, Expansion 1

eCFR §660.70(j)

Link to resource landing page

Stonewall Bank YRCA, Expansion 2

eCFR §660.70(k)

Link to resource landing page

Florence YRCA

eCFR §660.70(l)

Link to resource landing page

Heceta Bank YRCA

eCFR §660.70(m)

Link to resource landing page

Point St. George YRCA

eCFR §660.70(n)

Link to resource landing page

South Reef YRCA

eCFR §660.70(o)

Link to resource landing page

Reading Rock YRCA

eCFR §660.70(p)

Link to resource landing page

Point Delgada YRCA

eCFR §660.70(q)

Link to resource landing page

Southern Point Delgada YRCA

eCFR §660.70(r)

Link to resource landing page

Last updated by West Coast Regional Office on 05/15/2024

Marine Protected Areas