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NOAA Fisheries’ Seafood Inspection Program Makes Sure Your Seafood Is Safe, Healthy, and Wholesome

October 21, 2020

Watch this video to learn how the NOAA Fisheries Seafood Inspection Program makes sure that the consumer and the industry has confidence in the seafood market as a whole.

Fish at on ice at seafood counter

The United States is the largest importer and fifth largest exporter of seafood. In fact, we estimate that at least 85 percent of the seafood we consume is imported. So, it’s essential to ensure the quality of seafood products that are brought in and shipped out of the country.

That’s where our Seafood Inspection Program comes in. 


Through our fee-for-service program, NOAA inspectors evaluate the quality of seafood and fishery products. They ensure they’re safe and wholesome, and that the weight and species on the label are accurate. 

Note: The footage used in this video was obtained pre-COVID. We are still conducting inspections, implementing applicable COVID guidance for on-site activities during the pandemic to ensure the safety of inspectors and consumers.