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802 results match your filter criteria.

Incidental Take Authorization: SouthCoast Wind, LLC Construction of the SouthCoast Wind Offshore Wind Project

Incidental Take Authorization: SouthCoast Wind, LLC Construction of the SouthCoast Wind Offshore Wind Project
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Incidental Take Authorization: Phillips 66 Co.'s Ferndale Refinery Dock Maintenance and Pile Replacement Activities in Ferndale, Washington

Incidental Take Authorization: Phillips 66 Co.'s Ferndale Refinery Dock Maintenance and Pile Replacement Activities in Ferndale, Washington
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Incidental Take Authorization: Sunrise Wind, LLC Construction and Operation of the Sunrise Wind Offshore Wind Farm, off New York

Incidental Take Authorization: Sunrise Wind, LLC Construction and Operation of the Sunrise Wind Offshore Wind Farm, off of New York

Incidental Take Authorization: Transcontinental Gas Pipe Line Company LLC's construction with the LNYBL Natural Gas Pipeline Maintenance in Sandy Hook

Incidental Take Authorization: Transcontinental Gas Pipe Line Company LLC's construction with the LNYBL Natural Gas Pipeline Maintenance in Sandy Hook Channel, New Jersey

Incidental Take Authorization: Furie Operating Alaska, LLC Oil and Gas Activities in Cook Inlet, Alaska

Incidental Take Authorization: Furie Operating Alaska, LLC Oil and Gas Activities in Cook Inlet, Alaska
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Negligible Impact Determinations and MMPA Section 101(a)(5)(E) Authorization for Commercial Fisheries in Alaska and Pacific Islands

NOAA Fisheries issued permits for a period of 3 years to authorize the incidental, but not intentional, take of specific Endangered Species Act-listed marine mammal species or stocks under the Marine Mammal Protection Act, in certain U.S. commercial fisheries.

Formal Rulemaking on Proposed MMPA Waiver and Hunt Regulations Governing Gray Whale Hunts by the Makah Tribe

On April 5, 2019, we published a proposed rule to issue a waiver of the MMPA take moratorium, a critical step in an agency decision about whether to authorize the Makah Indian Tribe to resume limited treaty-based hunting of eastern North Pacific (ENP) gra

Incidental Take Authorization: Weyerhaeuser Company's Log Export Dock Project on the Columbia River near Longview, Washington

Incidental Take Authorization: Weyerhaeuser Company's Log Export Dock Project on the Columbia River near Longview, Washington
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Incidental Take Authorization: Petrogas Pacific, LLC's Ferndale Pier Maintenance Activities in Ferndale, Washington

Incidental Take Authorization: Petrogas Pacific, LLC's Ferndale Pier Maintenance Activities in Ferndale, Washington