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Inflation Reduction Act Results

54 results match your filter criteria.

Young Puerto Ricans Restore Habitat Damaged by Hurricane While Launching Conservation Careers

Thanks to $1.3 million in NOAA funding, BoriCorps members will gain paid work experience and training while restoring ecosystems and supporting local communities.
April 10, 2024 - Feature Story ,
The 2023-2024 BoriCorps crew funded by NOAA. (Photo: BoriCorps) The 2023-2024 BoriCorps crew funded by NOAA. (Photo: BoriCorps)

Spring News Roundup

A roundup of recent headlines from around the agency—hear about new Hawaiian monk seal pups, environmental DNA, new fish species, killer whale diversity, and more.
March 29, 2024 - Podcast ,
A black and white Southern Resident killer whale leaping out of the water. The fin of another whale is visible and a boat and mountains are in the background. A Southern Resident killer whale leaps out of the water. Credit: Candace Emmons

Pioneering Project to Restore Bull Kelp Forests in Greater Farallones National Marine Sanctuary in California

With a new $4.9 million grant through NOAA’s Office of Habitat Conservation, Greater Farallones Association is restoring imperiled bull kelp forests in Greater Farallones National Marine Sanctuary in California using innovative techniques.
March 25, 2024 - Feature Story ,
Bull kelp forest off the coast of California (Photo: Chad King/MBNMS/NOAA) Bull kelp forest off the coast of California (Photo: Chad King/MBNMS/NOAA)

Gulf Coast: Oyster Shell Recycling Key to Sustainable Seafood and Coastal Protection

With $5 million in NOAA funds, Gulf Coast partners will expand efforts to restore oyster populations, protect vanishing land, and reconnect communities to their coastal heritage.
March 06, 2024 - Feature Story ,
Volunteers build an oyster reef from recycled oyster shells (Photo: Galveston Bay Foundation) Volunteers build an oyster reef from recycled oyster shells (Photo: Galveston Bay Foundation)

Inflation Reduction Act Job Descriptions

Detailed information on specific jobs available thanks to the Inflation Reduction Act.

Climate Change Efforts Forge Ahead Thanks to the Inflation Reduction Act

NOAA Fisheries prioritized Inflation Reduction Act funding to support America’s marine resources, coastal communities, and economies in preparing for climate change in 2023–2024.
February 22, 2024 - Feature Story ,
Rec anglers holding red snapper State, regional, and federal scientists are working closely to establish a coordinated, consistent approach in the use of state fisheries statistics, and improve the state and federal surveys in the region. Credit: NOAA Fisheries

Cold Water Connection Campaign Reopens Rivers for Olympic Peninsula Salmon and Steelhead

With $19 million in NOAA funds, nonprofit and tribal partners plan to remove 17 barriers blocking fish passage on critical spawning rivers originating in Olympic National Park, Washington.
February 21, 2024 - Feature Story ,
Washington coast coho migration (Photo: Paul Jeffrey/Wild Salmon Center) Washington coast coho migration (Photo: Paul Jeffrey/Wild Salmon Center)